Friday, May 27, 2016

        “MEMORIAL DAY “

Memorial day i is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces and active military services  .The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May this day also is called Decoration Day celebrating for first time for  the president Lyndon Johnson.
If you want to honor and respect memorial day you could say thanks by writing a letter to the  family of the militaries how dead and the militaries that lived , also you can visited the Veteran’s Cemetery and put flags or flowers on veteran’s graves you can read something about veteran’s experience or read something for the little kids and explain they what the veteran’s do for our country ,go to a Veterans Day parade.
Well some others  things  that you can do is to buy a poppy and participate in national moment of remembrance .


Memorial day is an important event that happens in US because they celebrate and remember the people that fighting and want to protect our country also with their live and in this day we remember and honor they , most of the people celebrate and honor in a different ways the soldiers that defend our country i feel really excited and grateful also value a lot of what they do for us , and i feel a special love for their families that share with the country their husbands , daughters or their family all this people is a brave and special they are our heros and we have to love them and honor all time exactly like they do for the country .

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