Thursday, June 9, 2016






This quote reflect a lot of things and show us the important things in the life for example that when you decide to choose be a CTR person you have to work hard work smart and work together if you want to accomplish your goals with success , Mr. Haymore try to teach us an important way to life and to made the things alway with good values in the correct way and with a good skills , when you are a CTR person you don’t have to deal with the consequences and other  problems .This means that the people around you also have an important impact in your life because they have a big influence and you have to open your eyes and see who are your real friends that help you and support all time with a good decisions or advices for the future. We have always in each situation to remember our values and the things that we learned in this class if we want to have a best life to made a best world for us for our family never forget that the CTR person have a best style life and more happiness in their lives .

Some things that i really enjoyed about this class are:
1.When we write our goals
2.When we create our blogger
3.When we have our CTR card with this incredible and amazing words about our life and our decisions
4.When we can share our opinion and our thoughts about different topics about the world
5.Finally but no most important the way that Mr. Haymore treat us all time.

2. Some things that i dislike about the class are when we don't have enough time to write our reflections and when i don;t winner any chocolate
3.Maybe put more videos or have another kind of activities where we can show what we learn
4.The highlight for this class was STUDENT SUCCESS STATEMENT because i learn a lot of things about the life and about myself
5.Well at the end of the year i do some bad things but first i do the best everything with the heart and at 100 percent

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The ultimate choice

Of all the choices you will ever make , one choice supersedes all others-the ultimate choice . This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life . This one choice , The Ultimate Choice is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
To be a CTR Person - to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!

This quote reflect too much important things in the life of the people because it tell us the true about our life and our decisions , it means a lot of things one of them are to have the responsibility when you choose one thing the last thing that you always do in each moment of our lives has the most important weight because it represent the last and finally results the impact in our lives and how it changed for ever if we take a bad choice we could have a bad results a bad consequences and affect for ever our life , and we have like the other side of the face because if we have the knowledge to take a ultimate choice in the correct way we will have a best result and a good consequences or results that not only make us happy also our family friends or the people if we have a good values and be a CTR person every single time in each situation we will have a best life.

Friday, June 3, 2016



This is an amazing quote , explain too much of the things that happen in the world and also the things that need the world for a better place to live , is like a compliment and each other need of the other together realize a best world with best and safest places , and also we have to start and world first in ourself because we are the first rock to make a best world then the house made a responsible honest childs with values , next they reflect their values and education in the community the nation and finally in the world , because everybody are part of the world and have to do something if we want a see a difference, to have peace and live in a union a strong union ,we are the future of this country and in a long time we could have a family childs and we want the best for them so now is the time to fight for that to change our mind and have best

Today the teens have a lot of challenges and some of they are cyber bullying , cyber stalking , sex , drugs , alcohol , grades , broken homes , violence ,eating disorders ,addition to the social network , pressure in a relationship and finally depression or low self-esteem.
Well i am a teeneger and i have some issues like everybody but i think one of the most is the grades i have a real problem because today my grades are low bad and it affect myself and my future , i want to solve the problem and i am working hard making my homework , my assessments and coming everyday at the school .
He or she can give me some advices and also some options that i can do to have better grades , another thing is try to help me understand what could happen if i have low grades and how it affect my future and recommend me to use my life planning book to never forget my goals and what i have to do for them.
I would do the same give to they some important advices and show they my case and how i solve the problem or if is a different problem find information or try to find things that can solve the problem and always they have to feel that not are alone have a friend and have to do the correct for a better life .
Image result for challenges teens face today

The teens have a big way to walk but they are never alone and can do everything that they want also we have some important things a bis future and a hold life to live and goals to make real.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


“I would prefer

even to fail with


than win by


This quote means and reflect to me that is really important when you win or do something by yourself because only you are the responsible and you are proud of your goals complete and your results , but when you cheating never enjoy the victory and the results and always have in your mind that is the effort of the other person . Also this quote teach us an important value in the life and how to be honorable and feel proud of our results and doesn’t matter if you fail because you have peace in your mind and you learn the lesson or make more effort in the next activity or step .

Cancer is a group of disease involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body

The people that are exposure to the radiation and the people that always use tobacco or other substances but sometimes is hereditary and also have a big influence the environmental factors  . Finally some specific foods are linked to specific cancers

Many of the cancers are caused by the environment so you can change the lifestyle of life that you have

It not relate to me because i never suffer cancer and nobody in my family but i care all about this disease because maybe in the future somebody in my family or my need to know about cancer

Friday, May 27, 2016

        “MEMORIAL DAY “

Memorial day i is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces and active military services  .The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May this day also is called Decoration Day celebrating for first time for  the president Lyndon Johnson.
If you want to honor and respect memorial day you could say thanks by writing a letter to the  family of the militaries how dead and the militaries that lived , also you can visited the Veteran’s Cemetery and put flags or flowers on veteran’s graves you can read something about veteran’s experience or read something for the little kids and explain they what the veteran’s do for our country ,go to a Veterans Day parade.
Well some others  things  that you can do is to buy a poppy and participate in national moment of remembrance .


Memorial day is an important event that happens in US because they celebrate and remember the people that fighting and want to protect our country also with their live and in this day we remember and honor they , most of the people celebrate and honor in a different ways the soldiers that defend our country i feel really excited and grateful also value a lot of what they do for us , and i feel a special love for their families that share with the country their husbands , daughters or their family all this people is a brave and special they are our heros and we have to love them and honor all time exactly like they do for the country .

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


1.  Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened . There’s less chance of misunderstanding , confusion , or conflict.
2. Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished .
3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
4.You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying (and getting caught).
5.Other people trust you more when you tell the truth . don't have to tell (and remember)more lies to keep  your story straight grain a reputation for being truthful -a trait most people value
8. Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside .

We have 8 important reasons why we have to tell the truth all time and consider always that this is the correct way to act , one reason that we learn is that maybe other people innocent can’t be affected for something that he or she never do , also with this reasons and reflection we learn how to being a honest person, people will know to trust you and take your word when you promise it all time because they know the kind of good person that you are and the important values of telling the truth we have to know that in the world are more reasons but i consider that those are the most important and we have to keep in our mind always why we have to tell the truth all time in all situations.  

Yoga Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities:

Some of the duties and responsibilities of a yoga therapist are like work with people who have a range of physical problems, such as asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure or back pain. They have to  also help people with emotional issues like stress, anxiety or depression Assist participants to perform all exercises effectively they have to prepare groups for classes and demonstrate exercises.Inform participants in various forms of yoga and its effect on body and mind. Finally they have to assist and support the students and check that they don’t hurt their self.


The range is $36, 900 median average to $66,530


First they have to receive  one of the first master’s degrees available in this rapidly emerging field, our graduates will be in a powerful market position to take advantage of growing employment opportunities. We wholly anticipate that our graduates will become leaders and faculty who influence the evolution of yoga therapy as an integrative health practice ,

In my opinion i can’t be a yoga therapist , well because i hate the exercise and the complicated exercises.

Thursday, May 19, 2016



“The most
important thing
you will ever have
is good values”

Dennis Prager

This quote try to tell us one important point or detail about of the life , each person is important and necessary also the things have an important value ,but the most important thing that need to have a person are good values , they show us how the persona are and explain us what kind of decision or plans have for the life t things are the values , talk about good values of how every you want like he has videos talking about amazing stuff which are good values and it’s amazing how you can talk about whatever you want to explain or teach every person about the values and the kind of person that you are , one example is one you have to choose one thing and if you have a good values you choose the best for your future ,another way to use is when you decide to no lie other people always said the true it represent the excellent values that you have and your parents teach.

Duties and responsibilities:

Some of the duties and responsibilities that have a veterinarian are most and important also depend of the each case for example they have to  examine animals to detect and determine the nature of diseases or injuries.Also have to treat sick or injured animals by prescribing medication, setting bones, dressing wounds, or performing surgery. Another thing is to advise animal owners regarding sanitary and the general care of the animal include their alimentation .

Salary:  Is equivalent a $84, 460 USD

Education:     Veterans require to complete four year doctor of medicine in addition to undergraduate school , they have to take many sciences classes including biology,  chemistry , anatomy ,  physiology ,  zoology ,  microbiology and animal science .Although it is sometimes possible to gain acceptance to a college of veterinary medicine without first earning a bachelor’s degree, most students have completed their undergraduate degrees before enrolling

Demand for this profession:

The veterinarian is a common profession that has a high demand when you are searching a work .

Reflection:     I think i would like to be a veterinarian because i like the human career and i want a be a doctor in a future so this profession include a veterinarian , some important things that i appreciate and make my decide to be a veterinarian are that they helps and save the life of another human.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016


This is the story of a indian native american men that walk to the top of the mountain  that found a snake and picked up the snake he know that it could bite him and he could died , is the same thing when we decide to do something or pick something for example when you decide to use drugs before to use the drugs you know that the consequences could be terrible but in the moment you want to picked up the drugs and doesn’t matter how it affects your body or your own person it doesn’t mean that you don’t know the dangerous of course you know . Another example is when you decide to drink alcohol literary you picked up the beer or wine but figurative you choose to take or pick a bad decision and you know that is wrong that have a lot of bad consequences that change your life and affect in a future or in the moment. Most people think if i do the same and pick the same that all people i would be okay or have a good results but not is correct you always pick the thing that you want to have.

“In any
moment of
decision ,the
best thing you
can do is the
right thing “

When you have a trouble or problem and you have to decide or act for do something that help or resolve the problem most people have a big issue , well because some people choose or decide to take the wrong solution and the consequences affect most than the real problem , when you are in a difficult situation and have to choose or take a decision the best thing is first put in a balance and see what happen but the most important is to take a right decision and considered if you choose the right and always in every problem choose to solve in the right way the result always are positive and have more great results than when you don’t think and choose a bad option remember always the right is the best option and the most important to resolve a problem .
Duties and responsibilities :
They prepare a show and performance also they song music that is written by others, but some singers compose their own works,  must be prepared to deliver a performance. They must memorize the songs they are to perform, which normally requires rehearsal sessions with others as well as individual practice. Singers representing themselves must secure their own bookings by either convincing a venue owner to hire them or finding and paying for a venue in which to perform and then selling tickets for her performances.

$45,000-$65,000 per year.

Practice singing exercises and study with vocal coaches, in order to develop their voices and skills and to rehearse for upcoming roles. Also they need a bachelor's degree in music with a specialization in vocal performance is offered at many colleges, universities, and performing and visual arts colleges and practice to makes perfect or manu singers participate in talent show to get experience .

Demand for this particular career:
We have a  increases in demand for musical performances and also for the employment of self employment of a singer .

I choose this career because i think is important to know more about the people or the person that we see in the tv and make fun or enjoy the music , well if i will have a good voice maybe in a future i will decide to song and make music shows .

Friday, April 29, 2016

The 10 Indian Commandments

  1. Treat the Earth and all dwells therein with respect
  2. Remain close to the Great Spirit
  3. Show great respect to your fellow beings
  4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind
  5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
  6. Do what you know to be right
  7. Look after the well being of mind and body
  8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
  9. Be truthful and honest at all times
  10. Take full responsibility for your actions

With this student success statement i am learning how we can change our way to think and the way to live also this show to us that if we follow the rulers and act respectful or choose the right way like a person or community we can have a best world with peace and better results . The list above show to us how they follow a way to live and their preferences are to respect all time the people the earth and the humans , another point is work together we know that two brains think best than one and together we can do more things like a team , be honest is another important point if we be honest the people believe us and have more opportunity to do more things . WIth this kind of life i learn to think in all people not only in my own and to have a life with the values first.

Duties and responsibilities:
The reflexologist is a person that practice a reflexology (is a massage -based from alternative medicine that focuses on the hands and feet ) . They believe that stimulating pressure points can release tension and stress throughout  the body  .The reflexologists have to meeting with clients and conducting an initial assessment. Also explaining to new clients the principles and methods of reflexology and  finally applying hands-on massage to patient's feet and to a lesser extent their hands and ears.Instructing the client in self-reflexology techniques to be practised at home.

We have to know that a massage therapist's had a mean annual salary of approximately $40,000

Some of the requirements for the reflexologists are to  attend certificate or associate degree programs in massage therapy with an emphasis in reflexology. To qualify for certification, students must have at least 110 hours of study in reflexology also courses classes like anatomy foot mapping and reflexology history they expend like 10 hours working with the patient and the clinic under the supervision of an experienced reflexologist  .
Another requirement is that they have to do a licensure and certification and each state have their own laws and requirements for practice the therapy .

Demand for profession:
This job or career have a low demand and most opportunity to find a job in a future.

Before i consider to be a doctor and this career is part of the profession of medicine and maybe in a future i would like consider study this kind of profession.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

True Independence and Freedom

“True independence and
freedom can only
exist in doing
what’s right”

Brigham Young

This quote try to tell us something important , every time that we do a right thing or take a right decision we decide to be freedom . At the same time avoid the problems and the kind of jail that means the prohibition or the negative answer , when we choose the right means take the correct way , for example if you decide to take a book of the library and you lost the book and never pay for them with the time the cost of the book increase the lost of their money  because you have to pay more for the book and sometimes  could happen that you pay but with the jail for avoid the rulers and follow the instructions we have a lot of examples all time we have to decide if we want to be freedom doing the right

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Duties and responsibilities:

They are responsible for analyzing a patient's mental health status and providing the necessary treatment. They may admit patients to hospitals, order tests, prescribe medication or recommend therapy. They are who specialize in using clinical practices in the treatment of mental illnesses and disorders, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders and addictions. 


The median salary are:$181,880 


They have to complete a 4 year bachelor's degree program with the first two years devoted to classroom coursework and the final two years devoted to medical practice. During the practicum or internship, students complete rotations through all areas of medicine, including pediatrics, surgery and internal medicine. Also they have to know the next important thing after completing medical school and completing residency requirements, graduates must take and pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination , which is a three-step test that covers human science, clinical knowledge, skills and patient management you must be ready to practice and start to be or do your profession of psychiatrist .

Demand for this profession:
We simply are not increasing the supply of medical mental health specialists  but this is an important career and we need more people that want to be a good doctor in this specialization .

 Well i have a special interest to be a good doctor but in my own this root is not the kind of thing that matter well is something that cause inside my person scare and feel bad but if i have to help people i can make a exception. 
Image result for psychiatrist

Image result for psychiatrist