Thursday, May 19, 2016


Duties and responsibilities:

Some of the duties and responsibilities that have a veterinarian are most and important also depend of the each case for example they have to  examine animals to detect and determine the nature of diseases or injuries.Also have to treat sick or injured animals by prescribing medication, setting bones, dressing wounds, or performing surgery. Another thing is to advise animal owners regarding sanitary and the general care of the animal include their alimentation .

Salary:  Is equivalent a $84, 460 USD

Education:     Veterans require to complete four year doctor of medicine in addition to undergraduate school , they have to take many sciences classes including biology,  chemistry , anatomy ,  physiology ,  zoology ,  microbiology and animal science .Although it is sometimes possible to gain acceptance to a college of veterinary medicine without first earning a bachelor’s degree, most students have completed their undergraduate degrees before enrolling

Demand for this profession:

The veterinarian is a common profession that has a high demand when you are searching a work .

Reflection:     I think i would like to be a veterinarian because i like the human career and i want a be a doctor in a future so this profession include a veterinarian , some important things that i appreciate and make my decide to be a veterinarian are that they helps and save the life of another human.


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