Wednesday, February 10, 2016


"You can't be right 
by doing wrong;
 you can't be wrong 
by doing right"

Thomas S. Monson 

Each person know when do something wrong and also know when do something right , in the life most people have the grown idea that make bad things or have a style of life in the bad way its okay it doesn't matter but no each of them know that is a fantasy and never do the right they only try to convince the people that drunk , use drugs or still is the correct way and paint a beautiful life .Like a dime the life have to faces and the second face is when you know that do the right but in some cases the people and circumstance try to change your mind and you start to see bad the values or the thoughts that you have and that you believed , do the right things choose the right way always listen your heart and never try to be like someone that do the wrong only because want to be part of the society because the right a few people do and its hard but have a big gratification and the wrong everybody can do but the result never is good.    

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